

“We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”

– T.S. Eliot

My Approach & Offerings

My approach to therapy is grounded in connection through relationship, safety through kindness, and authenticity through courageous speech. My patients describe me as being authentic and kind and that my presence feels safe and welcoming.

I support patients navigating a variety of life issues including:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Trauma, PTSD & c-PTSD

  • Grief & Loss

  • Sexual Abuse

  • Work Stress & Overwhelm

  • Codependency

  • Domestic Violence

  • Life Transitions

  • Relationship Issues

  • Religious Deconstruction, Church Hurt, & Spiritual Issues

  • Video Game Addiction & Gaming Culture

Sun breaking through grey clouds

What therapy with me looks like

During our time together we will address the challenges you bring to therapy. Together we will focus on understanding and making sense of your struggles and your experience—your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. With a safe and non-judgmental presence, I will engage you authentically—person to person—offering you my insights, reflections, curiosity, teaching, clinical expertise, and my full attention. I will often connect what you bring to therapy each week to themes and conversations we’ve had in past weeks and also to stories from your family of origin and early development. Sometimes our talks will be engaging, energetic and back-and-forth; sometimes I will spend more time listening and feeling into what you are saying—getting a sense of what it’s like to be in your life. We all have hidden parts that we need help to see—I will help you see important parts of yourself that you may not yet be fully aware of. This process of self-discovery through connection can lead to a sense of relief and possibility beyond the heartache and limitation you may be experiencing in this season of life.

It is possible that the work of therapy may help you grow in your capacity to care for yourself and others; experience a sense of relief and hopefulness; enjoy deeper intimacy in relationships; and build confidence in and appreciation for your authentic self.

Therapeutic work can be challenging, but if you are in a season of life where you are ready to start the journey, I welcome the opportunity to begin our work together.

Mountain peaks with turquoise water and a boat

Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation.