“It is joy to be hidden, and disaster not to be found.”

– D.W. Winnicott

Trauma & PTSD

I know first hand how deeply trauma can affect our lives. It's not just something that happened in the past; it’s something that feels like it’s still happening today. It changes how we see others, ourselves and the world. Trauma can make us feel anxious, sad, or on edge all the time. It's like our sense of safety gets shattered, leaving us feeling scared and overwhelmed. Other symptoms of trauma may include,

  • feelings of sadness, guilt, shame or irritability

  • diminished interest in hobbies or activities you used to enjoy

  • difficulty sleeping or concentrating

  • intrusive memories of the event(s)

In therapy, I offer a safe place where we can talk about what you've been through without being judged. Together, we will work on making sense of your experience and putting words to what’s happening to you so that you can learn to feel strong and safe again.

hands folded and resting on legs

SExual abuse

I offer safe and compassionate support for survivors of sexual abuse.

Sexual abuse often leads to long-lasting wounds that carry into adulthood. When victims of abuse are not cared for, they are left to deal with unbearable feelings of shame, confusion, and heartache on their own—feelings we were not meant to carry alone. In adulthood the affects of abuse might look like longing for intimacy while being scared of it at the same time. Other symptoms may include,

  • struggles with sexual intimacy

  • trust issues

  • unwanted sexual behaviors

  • ongoing feelings of shame and guilt

I provide a safe and open space where we can begin to make sense of the confusion and pain your body and heart carry, bravely facing parts of your story that maybe you’ve felt you must keep out of relationship. Together, we will address complex emotions like fear, anger, shame, ambivalence and self-blame, empowering you to reclaim your sense of safety and trust in yourself and others. My goal is to guide survivors towards understanding, resilience and healing, offering unwavering support throughout their journey to recovery.

Lonely woman standing by a window in shadows

Grief & Loss

Navigating grief is a deeply personal journey, unique to each person. I specialize in guiding patients through the complex emotions that accompany loss. You may be feeling many different emotions at once—sad for the loss, angry for the time you didn’t get to have, grateful for the time you had, and confused as you try to make sense of life afterwards. Or maybe you know there is a loss coming and you are not sure how to feel. Grief isn't a linear process; it's a winding road filled with twists and turns and many mixed emotions. It comes in waves like the ocean’s tides—coming in and going out, sometimes for what feels like a long time.

In my counseling sessions, I provide a safe space for patients to express their feelings of sadness, anger, and longing. Together, we’ll unravel the complexities of grief, weaving in threads of acceptance and resilience. Through compassionate support and gentle exploration, I walk with patients in their grief journey towards healing and hope.

Sad man in jean jacket with hands in pockets standing on rocks by the ocean

SUpport for YOUNG professionals

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the relentless demands of your career? Do you find yourself constantly striving to have your life all planned out, only to feel lost and uncertain about the path ahead?

You're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, young professionals often face immense pressure to excel in their careers while simultaneously juggling personal aspirations and societal expectations. The relentless pressure of having to have your life figured out can take its toll, leaving many feeling stressed, anxious, and disconnected from themselves.

I specialize in providing therapy to young professionals who are struggling to find balance and fulfillment in their lives. My goal is to create a safe and non-judgmental space where you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and aspirations freely, discovering who you are without the pressure of needing to have it all figured out.

Man in button up shirt covered in sticky notes

Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation.